Hystorical & Mystical Moments Of Crazy Housemates

The game that makes girls go crazy!

I think that you all knows what the game is rite? From the above pic, its so obvious that is some-girls-dont-like-guys-to-play type of game... DOTA!
And there is a pic with a word 'NOOB'... i will explain it later why i put it on here.. something related to this game.
Why dota? i dont think i need to go deep into the explanation of how is it played and what is it? but briefly i will say that dota is just one of a warcraft map! hehe :)
but i got one question to ask fellow ladies that will read this blog... why you dont like dota? (i mean not all, some..) , coz everytime i play dota, sure my gf will try to control me.. say i play dota until forget about her..haha... i just need your opinion about it... so all comments are appreciated.

OK, as for the word NOOB, noob means
are simply newcomers—noob and n00b, on the other hand, generally mean someone who is obnoxious, annoying, or breaks the rules or cannot play effectively; whether they are actual newcomers or not is mostly irrelevant. (no offence to someone) i just found out that its interesting to post this.. sorry if i indirectly hurt you. :(

so, should we play dota or say no to dota? haha...

Current Progress:
Aaron: in the room chatting
Ru fah: Seremban (t*king)
Ghi Waie: writing this dota blog :)

Info: my dota gang: Me, Rufah, Aaron, Ah loo, William, Junkie, Seng Chye, Jimmy Ng, Matthew, Abi, sometimes Yew Jeat


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