Behavioural Sciences - Interview 1
so, now i just finished ripped out the interview session for my interview 1 out of my dvd. and i uploaded it to however, you cant search it through there.. coz i put it as private video.. unless you subscribe to my video, then you can view it.. of coz i wont make it so complicated for you all.. so i will post the video here... any comments about it are welcomed. just additional info, the simulated patient (sp)'s name is Felix. i dunno is it real or not.. but if you get him for interview 2, you are d*mn lucky.. coz he is a good guy.. he wont give you any hard times during interview.. (except for aaron.. lol..) oh yea.. i will try upload more of the interview sessions here.. maybe from aaron, jeremy, or maybe rufah.. and how about you too?! lol... k.. enjoy the video..
updates: (apologise for late update coz no topic to post lately.. lol)
aaron: in his room studying
rufah: same as aaron
me: soon will be like two of them.. hehe